Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Thank You

I knew the passing of my Dad would be hard, but it turned out to be difficult beyond anything I ever imagined. I pretty much cried my eyes out for the first week solid. I honestly felt like I didn't want to go on with life without Dad. It was easily the most emotionally trying time I have ever been through.

Looking back on it now, it truly was God using something that you could say was evil, at least from my perspective in the midst of it, to bring about good. The biggest wow moments of my life came upon Dad's passing. God has shown me how much Dad loved me, how much I loved Dad and, as I wrote for the service, I am honored and humbled to be his son. My tendency would be to be angry that God didn't show me these things before Dad passed away. In fact, I did just that initially. I later realized He was gracious to show me what He did and I am thankful that He chose to show me these things now instead of in 10 years, 20 years ... or never.

He also showed me how special this body is to me. In particular, it meant a lot more to me than I ever thought it would, seeing TECer after TECer at Dad's service doling out hugs, condolences and support to me in what ended up being the hardest thing I have ever endured. It was amazing. I thank God for TEC...

Thank you for the meals. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you for the texts. Thank you for the hugs. Thank you for doing Romans 12:15 with me.

I love you all,

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